Yin & Young are back with an interview with writer Breana Harris! We dig in to her mysterious past filled with stories of Area 51, ghosts, disturbing movies and dreams of Pre-Raphaelite artists. Special guest: Laura Cox returns! Our MVP RWG (resident white-Brazilian girl).
Live musical opening!
Area 51, the moon landing and going to Mars
Watching rated R movies and porn
Movie talk: Baby Driver, Wonder Woman
Favorite literary writers
The Pre-Raphaelites and Dante
Fate, ghost stories, and the supernatural
Gastric sleeve surgery
James - Taiwanese
吃飯 - chiah png - eat a meal, lit. eat rice.
吃飽沒? - chiah pa bo - did you eat yet?
Dan - Japanese
頂きます - itadakimasu - about to partake
ごちそうさま - gochisousama - thank you for the meal
Laura - Portuguese - barbaridade - that’s barbaric, lit. barbarities
Breana - French - avez-vous du feu? - do you have a light? slang: did you want to hook up?
Breana + cat. Photo courtesy of Breana Harris.