In this episode James shares a tale of the Latina that ghosts him and of the mysterious drunk girl from Fullerton. Gordon Greer joins us for the first time and he relates his terrible Tinder date.
Highlights (chronological):
James and Dan talk Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, takedowns
The Latina tale.
When do you ask a girl, “Where’s this going?”
The Girl from Fullerton tale.
Gordon talks Survivor.
Gordon’s Tinder catfish.
Language Corner
Gordon: Mid-west slang
skedaddle - to run away hurriedly.
Dan: Japanese
どきどき, doki doki - a mimetic word that mimics the sound of a heart beating, especially when near someone you like.
James: Mandarin
塞翁失马,焉知非福 (Sàiwēngshīmǎ, yānzhīfēifú) - Old man Sai loses a horse, who's to say it's bad fortune?
Related links:
- Correction: Tenri is a JUDO school, not a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school. Their website:
- “20 30 40” directed by Sylvia Chang:
- Stalk yourself:
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